Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School is CBSE Schools in Karnal

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Business Description:

Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School

Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth school is affiliated to CBSE up to class XII vide affiliation code number 530611. The school has started its first academic session in April 2006 from the classes Pre-Nursery to VII to impart broad education to boys and girls with an aim to develop their mind physique, skills, personality and leadership traits to shape them into dynamic, productive, responsible, credible and global citizens.

The School is run by a registered society. Namely, BABA RAM DAS JI GIRI CHARITABLE TRUST, KARNAL. It is not mere an educational institute but it stands for a commitment to rise above the confines of conventional education. It aims to transform the nascent mind into literal fountainhead of ideals and is committed to excel.

Philosophy :

We at BABA RAM DAS VIDYAPEETH, shall create an atmosphere of academic excellence by providing Child Centred Education so that the children can imbibe all the basic values and education to become a good citizen of the country.


Our mission is to achieve over all development of the students to make them self reliant including development of love for knowledge & learning, free thinking and individual skills and developing the students into countable, credible and productive citizens of the country by inculcating among them the human values and dignity of work.

We are very popular cbse schools in Karnal and having expertise in our area. Our mission is to satisfy the customer in every respect and to be the best cbse schools in Karnal.

Contact Details:

Contact Person: Neenu Ahuja
Mobile No.: 9896869123, 9468099166
Phone No.: 00184-2006419

Vill. Kulvehri Karnal

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Opening Hours Specification:
Opening later at 10:15
View full Hours of Operation
Monday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Tuesday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Wednesday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Thursday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Friday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Saturday: 10:15 - 20:00 hours
Sunday: Closed
Year of Establishment:
Currencies Accepted:
INR (Indian Rupee)
Price Range:
INR 100-15000
Payment Accepted:
Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, Cheques, UPI

Image Gallery of Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School

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  • Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School
  • Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School
  • Baba Ram Das Vidyapeeth School

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