List of Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapist in Karnal

Acupressure and Acupuncture Clinic

Though acupressure & acupuncture is an old therapy of curing almost every ailment which is used particularly in Asian countries but these days it has become very famous in India as well. Acupressure & acupuncture are somewhat similar as these are based on similar principle of cure. Following is the list of acupressure & acupuncture Clinics. The following dealers and shops are verified physically along with their address and contact numbers. The Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapist in Karnal are published in the table below:

S.N. Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapist Name & Address Contact Person & Phone No.
1Acupressure Health Clinic
#701, Near Sandhu Market
Dr. Hariom Goyal
9896393678, 8053880250
2Dixit Accupanture Center
Ramesh Nager Chowk
GT Road

3Saini Accupreesure Center
1050/6 Sec
Sector 6

4Karnal Accupressure
Main Market
Kunjpura Road


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