List of automobile dealers in Karnal

Auto Agency

Everyone needs a conveyance for daily movements and these days everyone is running after a bike or car. This is a great for our growth of auto sector as the auto sales is increasing. The following dealers and shops are verified physically along with their address and contact numbers. The automobile dealers in Karnal are published in the table below:

S.N. automobile dealers Name & Address Contact Person & Phone No.
1Partap Agrotech Kubota Dealership
696, Arvinders Building, Opp. Yellow Saphire Hotel
Near Namaste Chowk, G.t. Road
Partap Agrotech
2Globe Tyota
Opp. Pic, Madhuban,
GT Road

Phone No. 0184-2380587
3Karnal Motors
Opposite Bus Stand and
GT Road

Phone No. 0184-2220555
4Krishna Motor & Servicing
Sandhu Market,
Sector 7

5Neelam Motor
Near Dawat Hotal

6Malwa Automobile
Baldi Chowk
GT Road

7Modren Automobile
7, Opp Sector 14, Near KR Cinema (old)
Meerut Road

Phone No. 0184-2261010
8Pearl Ford
118/7 Mile Stone,
GT Road

Phone No. 0184-2221705
9Peristige Honda
GT Road

Phone No. 0184-2390301
10Rahul Karnal Honda
Sec-14 Main Road
Meerut Road

11Karan Automotives
101 Mile Stone
GT Road Kohand
Karan Automotives
8685040010, 8685040015
12Auto Krishna Tvs Karnal
Auto Krishna Tvs Karnal Namestey Chowk Adjoing Pankaj Yahama
Near Namestey Chownk

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