List of Gutka Shops in Karnal

Cigarette and Tobacco Products

The following dealers and shops are verified physically along with their address and contact numbers. The Gutka Shops in Karnal are published in the table below:

S.N. Gutka Shops Name & Address Contact Person & Phone No.
1Haryana Tobacco Dealer
C - 959,
Purani Sabzi Mandi

Phone No. 0184-2255358
2Kamboj Tobacco Store

Purani Sabzi Mandi

Phone No. 0184-2273929
3Karan Traders
Near old Randhir Cinema,
Kunjpura Road

Phone No. 0184-2253058
4Pal Cigarette Store
Kunjpura Road,
Karan Gate

Phone No. 0184-2274296

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