List of Housing Loan Providers in Karnal

Housing Finance Companies

Housing finance agents deal in providing the housing loan on a reasonable interest. They work for various housing finance companies and generally work on commission basis. The verified Housing Loan Providers in Karnal are published below:

S.N. Housing Loan Providers Name & Address Contact Person & Phone No.
1Karnal Global Advisor Pvt Ltd.
#1732, Near Shiv Mandir
Sector 6 Housing Board Colony
Vikas Bajaj (Branch Manager)
2Paramount Financial Associate
Sco- 97, 1st Floor
Mughal Canal
Jaiwinder Singh Virk
3Omega Finserv
Shop No. 6 1st Floor, Purshotam Market, Opposite Relience Digital
Kunjpura Road,
Amit Narang
9315318448, 7876430003
4National Financial Associate
Sco No. 04 - Basement
Mugal Canal
5Luxmi Associates
sco-19 ,1st Floor
Mugal Canal
Parul Sehgal
9991869944, 9813476644
6Estate Group
409 Basement
Mugal Canal
Neeraj Dyal
9034256055, 9896454884
7SBJ Tour And Travel
SCO No. 409 (B)
Karan Commercial Complex
Neeraj Dyal
9896454884, 9034256055

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